Curriculum Vitæ

- for -

Klaus Lynge

Official photo
[ img - dicapi.jpg ]
Personal - and Official Data
Full name: KLAUS LYNGE
Danish nationality with CPR # 011239-1525 - and current passport: #214060298
Resident in Peru with Immigration Card #000918426
Residence in Peru: Calle Cantuarias 236 - Miraflores, Lima
Cellular Peru: +51 949 300 177
Mobil Denmark: +45 2329 7406
Websites: and
E-mail: - and-

Education and training
Klaus Lynge holds the EUR ING title awarded by Feani - European Federation of Engineers - and is a member of the Danish National College of Engineers: IDA
Klaus is born and raised in the Nordic culture - in Denmark, where he was trained and educated as an industrial engineer in organizations such as Nordisk Elektrisk, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen Business School, KESF and others.
In Denmark Klaus worked in large companies such as Arcodan, Kosan, 'Hardi International' and the 'NKT Group' as technical manager, production manager, factory manager etc.

First encounter with a contry of the Latin culture.
During the years employed in 'NKT Flexible' (Pipelines) Klaus was send to 'NKT-SUD' in Italy to manage the 'off-shore' work laying out 3 submarine pipelines (27km) to supply the Island of Capri with fresh water from the mainland. A work carried through with special pipeline 'lay barge' filled up with high technology.
Another experience, more simple but no less interesting, was to lay out 1½km of steel pipeline for waste water - assembled on the beach, hauled at sea by a tugboat, connected with the diffusors and at last digged down in the seabed.

Experience in Peru
Klaus came to Peru as a representative of the Danish Ministry of Transport in its agreement with MTC of Peru, and when the ministry withdrew he stayed. He is now a resident.
From the beginning he has crossed and travelled all the mountain ranges from Santa Maria de Nieva in the north to Desaguadero in the south and had worked with the local authorities on their particular problems - in general electrification and infrastructure. (Example: Municipality of Bambamarca, Municipality of Chuquibamba, Municipality of Celendín, Municipality of Sitacocha + Region Renom and Region Cajamarca)
Infrastructure is to understand as all the technical systems that connect a society, city, country, continent - and infrastructure together with organization - understood as the ability to organize - is what can raise a country to a higher level of development.
The experience deep in Peru led to the book "Landet der kaldes Peru" ISBN 87-988133-0-7 - a compilation of observations and experiences about Peru - with an emphasis on transportation.

Professional activity
His activity as a consultant led him as lecturer at events in the National Congress, in universities and in educational organizations - for talks and lectures as external professor - and he has worked as advisor to COMMPE (College of Officers of the Merchant Marine of Peru), the 'Maritime Block' and Fentenapu.
In Peru it has participated in tenders for ports, tunnels, project evaluation, etc. and has discussed ports and railways with all authorities in the field.
He worked with mining companies such as 'Omen Milenium', 'Mineria Mapsa', 'Apurimac Ferrum' and 'Carbones & Derivados' mainly trying to establish a port for the export of their minerals on the southern coast and solve the heavy transport from their mines.
An old problem, which has not yet found its solution.

Professional support
Klaus IS NOT member of CIP = Association of Engineers in Peru. Klaus hold more than 50 years organized in IDA of Denmark
In Peru he is related to the professional groups of consultants around CIDATT

Interests and special skills related to Peruvian society:
1): Creation of a common dictionary for the many Quechua dialects   -   (>
2): Principles for navigation with rafts of Tupac Yupanki type (Kon-Tikis)   -   (
3): Structure in formulation of National Constitutions   -   (
4): Heavy transportation from central mines to their overseas markets   -   (

Recognition from Peru
Honorary Member of AMLQ, Cusco - awarded by the 'Acedemia Mayor de la Lengua Quechua'
Patron de Yate (Yacht Skipper) #01135-16, DICAPI 2015. (his only official Peruvian education)

Without creation of an
for Railroads
Peru will not be able to advance
- not a single step ahead -
The 3 Regions in a commonwealth:
Apurimac, Ayacucho and Ica
can build their own railway
which is Highly Feasible
NO need to activate MTC
will be the key point


[ img - RailRoadCross.png ]

for Peru

Feasibility of Railroads
Energy Generation and Regeneration
Procedure for the Construction
Financing and Mortgage
Generation of massive employment

print-out of
April edition 2023
Working plan

[ img - Pusac-logo.gif ][ img - Peru-logo.gif ]

Plan of Actions

- If Peru really want to construct their Railway -

  0):   Take the decision to build! !!
  1):   Create an Autonomous Authority - an ENAFER
  2):   Study the 7 models of Heavy Haul railways
  3):   Choose and Take the best for Peruvian conditions
  4):   Negotiate access to technology, organization and systems
  5):   Define polítically WHAT to connect of mines and towns
  6):   Define HOW TO obtain an optimal line (technically and geographically)

After that:     WORK and BUILD - physically

While waiting for a start of construction of the railway
we have designed, constructed and terminated the iirsa26 highway
- running the same route -